Swedish-made high speed roll door


Axelent has historically produced several variations for both hinge- and sliding doors. We are now launching a completely new type of door, which is a High speed roll door. Together with a well-known manufacturer, we have developed a specially designed kit unique for Axelent customers.  


High speed roll door for your machine protection 

The kit includes specially designed strong and stable posts that can be easily integrated with our machine protection system X-Guard. 

The advantage of a High speed roll door compared to our hinge- and sliding doors is that this door requires less space. However, this door will build more in height compared to the other two options. 

The door has integrated photocell curtain in the frames and the curtain covers the entire door opening and stops as well as reverses the door completely without contact if anything moves in the door opening. The curtain, which has no moving worn parts and is protected in the frame, is approved to replace clamp protection and safety photocells. 

The automatic High speed door can be completely adapted to your requirements and Axelent will deliver the complete solution together with our machine protection. 

If you want to read more about the door, click here to download the technical leaflet.

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